Catharine Cary
5 min readNov 29, 2021


La Soulane, Jézeau, Les Pyrénées, Novembre, 2021

Dear Ruth,

I awoke at 5:19 this morning, fresh from a dream of designing a Halloween costume, attending a fancy ball while babysitting the host’s children, who weren’t at the party they were giving, ephemeral images that swirled into a corridor filled of swanky sequined white dresses on racks for sale. Thus armed, or agitated, I went to the kitchen to make a much needed coffee and was greeted with a sky of such beauty, that I made the coffee in the semi penombra, because I did not…



Catharine Cary

I am a noticer. And then I am lemon and salt. My work is to notice edges, borders, selvages and ravines, then to reveal and cherish the spa.ce between.